Custom Cosmetic Dentures
Just because you wear dentures, it doesn’t mean you should look like you do! For years, denture-wearers have resigned themselves to poor-fitting false teeth that create a sunken-faced, aged look. Thanks to today’s advanced techniques and materials, and our Doctors eye for cosmetics, the denture look is an artifact of the past. Our Custom Cosmetic dentures are designed with your face in mind, so they are more comfortable and can take 10 to 20 years off your appearance. The intended media clip requires a newer version of Adobe Flash® Player. Please visit to download the latest version. THE PROBLEM: OUT OF DATE, OUT OF FASHION DENTURES Too many dentures fail to take into account the optimum bite placement for our faces. As we get older, we lose bone structure due to tooth loss or gum disease. Often, this loss of bone results in the lower part of the face appearing collapsed or sunken. This sunken look makes us look older than we should. This can have a very negative affect on our self-esteem as well as our physical and mental health. Not only do ill-fitting dentures contribute to the sunken, aged look, they also:
THE SOLUTION: CUSTOM COSMETIC DENTURES Custom cosmetic dentures are the solution. Dr. Berland, Dr. Kong, and Dr. Margolin will design your dentures, and if you choose, implants to specifically fit your face. We can determine the optimum neuromuscular position to place the dentures to improve the physical dimensions of the face, and allow your lips to lay against the teeth properly. By creating a bite where the muscles are most relaxed, your dentures will function better and provide the most facial support. And you will look younger and eat better! If you want to look 10 to 20 years younger, you don’t need a plastic surgeon. You may simply need more expertly designed dentures! If you are in the North Texas area, schedule your consultation with our dental specialists to find out if new cosmetic Custom cosmetic dentures are right for you.
Why do people who lose teeth often look so old, so fast?When a person loses all of their teeth and gets a set of dentures, jaw bone has already been lost. Many times the cause for the bone loss is periodontal disease. Periodontal (gum) disease is an infection of the gums and the jawbone. This common and aggressive disease can cause drastic bone loss as well as exacerbate a variety of health problems such as diabetes and cardiovascular issues. Uncontrollable infection can set in, and teeth become loose and must be removed. When the jaw bone melts away as a result of the gum infection, the roots of the teeth no longer have any “soil” to dig into. Gum disease is the number one reason people loose teeth. Even if you don’t have bone loss before you get dentures, bone loss is natural after you get dentures. This is because after teeth are lost, the jaw bone is programmed to disappear. Eventually, you will get a “sunken-in” face. Your chin and your nose will get closer together as your face begins to collapse, aging you rapidly. Custom Cosmetic Dentures help to restore the soft facial tissue and recreate the lost jaw bone. Custom Cosmetic Dentures support the face the same way your natural teeth and bone supported your face many years ago.
What if my bone loss is so severe I no longer have a ridge on which to place the dentures? I hate having something on my palate.Our doctors are experienced specialists in the placement and restoration of dental implants; small titanium posts which are gently placed in your jaw and snap onto tiny attachments inside your teeth. Palatal coverage is no longer necessary. The denture will fit securely, no longer rocking or slipping while eating or speaking. Voila’! You will have a beautiful smile, and you can eat anything you want!!
The smile of your dreamsOne thing is for certain, Custom Cosmetic Dentures™ can change your life. Our doctors will help you choose the choice of shade, shape, color, texture and position of the teeth, assuring you that your smile will be as natural, comfortable and attractive as possible. |