Sedation Dentistry

Oral and I.V. Sedation Dentistry

Relaxed Dental Care. Sedation dentistry can offer the perfect solution for maintaining your dental health while assuring complete relaxation.

photo of sedated patient How It Works. You are given a small pill to take an hour prior to your dental appointment. Due to the sedative effects of the medication, you will need someone to drive you to our office.

By the time you arrive, you will be very drowsy. You will be escorted into the comfort room, covered with a thick, warm blanket and placed on a monitor to watch your vital signs. This little pill will work rapidly to create a relaxed state. Although you are in a deeply relaxed sleep-like state, you are responsive.

Beyond creating an optimal environment for you, sedation dentistry allows us to complete multiple treatments in one appointment. You can relax from two to six hours. The time you are in the deep relaxed state will vary depending on your needed treatment and type of anesthesia delivered.

When your treatment is completed, you will be escorted to your car by a member of the dental spa team. Then your companion will take you home. The next day, you will feel refreshed and glad you visited the Dallas Dental Spa for the health and beauty of your smile!

Special Sedation Allows Conscious Comfort: Pills or I.V. Sedation!

People typically experience various degrees of anxiety in anticipation of potentially painful dental procedures, yet few are aware of the simple solution of 'conscious sedation'. Of course, local anesthesia can effectively numb specific tissues prior to a procedure, and traditional analgesics can effectively relieve post-procedural pain. But these methods are often not enough to eliminate anxiety, rendering the entire experience a real trial. Fortunately, Dr. Berland is able to combine traditional medications with special anti-anxiety agents such as nitrous oxide or sedatives to actually eliminate pain and worry, while maintaining patient responsiveness to voice and touch. The patient simply receives the sedation agent orally, through inhalation or injection, then relaxes comfortably throughout the entire visit. If you're concerned about how to handle an upcoming procedure, ask us about "Conscious Sedation" today. With the aid of Dental Anesthesiologist, Dr. David C., Dr. Berland also offers the special option of I.V. sedation for the ultimate in relaxed dentistry.

Nitrous Oxide