No Prep or Micro Veneers
Like Lumineers, Only Better! Many of you want to have a great, winsome smile. Some of you may have gaps in your teeth, or have chipped, discolored, or even worn teeth. Super Thin porcelain veneers provide a comfortable, great looking solution to these problems. Now you can have that great smile, and in certain situations, without removing any natural tooth structure! The new super thin Porcelain Veneers, due to their increased strength, can be made as thin as a contact lens and be bonded to your natural teeth. This revolutionary porcelain allows us to save more and strengthen healthy tooth structure. In other words, we strive to eliminate tooth diminution in favor of tooth augmentation. That means less shots and less drilling! Time and experience have shown that "less is often more", such the case with our "no prep porcelain veneers". Unfortunately, many dentists remove so much healthy tooth structure that uncomfortable temporaries are then necessary. We are determined to avoid this whenever possible. Depending on each particular case, our patients can expect their completed cosmetic restorations within 2 weeks, and if at all possible, in less than a week. Our many years of experience with laboratory procedures and cosmetic restorations allow us the skill and dependability to accomplish this. Other dentists usually take a minimum of 3-5 weeks. Call for your personal consultation, so we can decide if the new super thin Porcelain Veneers are right for you. |
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